On Saturday, August 5, we had great success with the Butterfly Garden Day at Spohr Gardens. Bill Kerfoot, would like to thank Robin Singer, Bob Osol and George Pelletier for their help with traffic and explaining posters. The weather was ideal. Over 300 adults and children attended the first butterfly release at 11:30. We released over 60 native butterflies including Monarchs, Spicebush Swallowtails, Giant Swallowtails, Painted Ladies, Commas, and Question marks. George Chapman answered questions about growing plants for butterflies during Noon. About 80 adults and kids attended the second butterfly release conducted by Chris Kerfoot. Attached is a picture taken by Chris Kerfoot during the first release, showing about ¼ of the crowd. The kids loved handling the butterflies and they cruised about kids often landing on heads and arms. The total visitors doubled the number from last year’s releases. A video can be viewed on our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/FalmouthRotaryClub/videos/1075140830124196/