Jean Vazquez, a graduate of Falmouth High School, is the winner of the 2019 Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod Scholarship for College Juniors. Jean is a Neuro-science major at Stonehill College in Easton, MA. He will graduate in 2021 with a BS degree. Jean plans to continue his education towards advanced degrees. Congratulations to Jean!
The Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2018 Junior Year Scholarship is Ruth Fuller. Ruth attends Clark University and is a graduate of Falmouth High School. Congratulations.
The Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2017 Junior Year Scholarship is James Driscoll. James attends Notre Dame and is a graduate of Falmouth High School. Congratulations.
The Scholarship Committee of the ROTARY CLUB of FALMOUTH is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2016 Junior Year Scholarship is Ms. Callie Donahue of E. Falmouth. Callie is a Biotechnology major at Rochester Institute of technology.
The Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Falmouth, MA is pleased to announce that Ms. Amy Wilson of East Falmouth has been chosen to receive the 2015 scholarship for entering juniors. Ms. Wilson is a nursing student at Simmons College. A 2013 graduate of Falmouth High School she will receive a BSN in 2017.
Cory A. Rivera, son of Mr. & Mrs. Allen Rivera of East Falmouth is the recipient of the Falmouth Rotary Club's Junior Year Scholarship. Cory is entering his third year of studies at Sacred Heart University. A nursing major, he has been active in many community service activities such as Habitat for humanity, Relay for Life and as student leader for Mission Matters in Mississippi. In addition to his very active volunteer activates he has maintained an impressive 3.98/4.00 grade point average.
The Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Falmouth is pleased to announce the name of the 2013 Junior Year Scholarship recipient, Meghan K. Anderson. Meghan is a junior at the University of MA-Amherst, majoring in Early Childhood Education and Psychology. The scholarship is in the amount of $5,000.00 paid in two installments. $2500.00 will be presented on July 31, 2013 at the club meeting. The balance of the award will be granted at the beginning of her senior year. Meghan is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Andersen of E. Falmouth. She graduated from Falmouth High School in June of 2011.
The 2012 Scholarship for a college junior has been awarded to Alexander Cvitan of Falmouth. Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cvitan is entering his junior year at America University, Washington, DC. Biochemistry major, he plans to enroll in medical school with an ultimate goal of specializing in oncology. Alexander earned and impressive 4.00 GPA in his first two years of study.